Have you ever been angry with a company that you’ve employed or purchased from? Probably. If your frustrations were never dealt with properly, did you go back to that company? […]
Category Archives: Strategy
At Lemonade Stand, we believe in the principle of paying attention to the details. It’s the way you make people know that you truly think they are special and that […]
If you’re at a point where you’ve started to look at offering healthcare benefits to your employees, you’ve probably discovered that this can be an extremely complicated process and quite […]
When it comes to web ADA compliance, there are a number of things that you need to take into account that you may or may not know about. Many people […]
How to Prepare for a Recruiting Event/Career Fair This past month, the Lemonade Stand team attended its first ever career fair! It was awesome and so much fun, and we […]
What is ADA? ADA or The Americans With Disabilities Act, is an Act passed by congress protecting some of the rights of disabled people in America. We have written an […]
What is the ADA? You might see the acronym ADA around but not know much about it. If you had asked me about it a few months ago, I would […]
What if you could tap into a consumer group with $200 billion in buying power by making a few changes to your website? What would that be worth to you? […]
Websites need to include policies, statements and disclaimers to keep their companies out of legal hot water. This goes for ADA-compliant web accessibility as well as privacy, legal stuff, terms […]
Great news! Small businesses can get a tax credit of up to $5000 every year for ensuring their businesses (including their websites) are ADA compliant. Every. Year. Finally! The little […]