Lemonade Stand Style Guide





Normal Fonts

Headings: Roboto – 300 (light)
Body: Roboto – 400 (regular)

Heading 1

Heading 2

Heading 3

Heading 4

Heading 5
Heading 6


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec aliquam, massa ut tristique hendrerit, sem sem condimentum elit, eu ultrices mi sem quis diam. Aenean tortor risus, blandit eget nunc vitae, elementum interdum nibh. Sed auctor nisl non tellus egestas facilisis. Pellentesque eu lobortis ex. Pellentesque nec vestibulum urna, vitae laoreet felis. Etiam imperdiet velit justo. Donec sagittis aliquet interdum. Quisque dictum consectetur eros, id dapibus est sagittis id. Quisque maximus lectus nec tincidunt convallis. Suspendisse sollicitudin nibh aliquet ligula placerat, ultricies ultrices justo elementum. Nunc quis quam vel quam gravida tincidunt.

Display Headings

You can use the following display classes to get larger fonts, or alternatively you can use the size slider on the text elements in Flatsome.

Display 1


Display 2


Display 3


Display 4


Build then Bless

Special Fonts

Font: Calgary Script

Usage Notes: Since this font often uses other graphical elements (squirts from the logo, gradients, other icons, etc) it is being treated more as a graphical element than a typographic one. Avoid using these elements to convey important information like titles (pages like this style guide where SEO is not important are an exception). Add to the site as a svg and make sure to set the alt tag. 

Adobe fonts


Primary Button
Secondary Button
Success Button
Alert Button
White Button
Primary Link
Secondary Link
Success Link
Alert Button
White Button


Using a svg icon (fitted to a square canvas is preferred), set the icon color in flatsome to white. Add the classes listed below.



Avoid sharp transitions as much as possible. Use wave elements to divide sections. 


Use screens to display work that Lemonade Stand does.

Laptop Mockup


There’s a custom class called “shadow” that gives a more diffused shadow then flatsome has. 

Lemonade Stand Team Hiking Trip

Rounded Corners

The classes are set up in this format: rounded – top – right or rounded – top -left. They are written like this: “rounded-tl” or “rounded-tr”. Use this on banner or image elements.