Always Keep Learning: Why We Spend Thousands of Dollars on Team Education

“Always Keep Learning” is one of our team’s favorite core values at Lemonade Stand. 

This particular core value always keeps us on our toes and helps us to stay up to date on all of the new ways to land big results for our clients in the digital marketing world. This is incredibly important, as we are only able to stay in business when our clients are seeing success.

This value applies to all industries, though!

Most knowledge becomes outdated at some point, and there are always new techniques or methods being developed by people to be better at whatever it is that you do. If you want to have continued success, then you need to stay on top of all of this and make sure that you are always learning! 

Learning never stops and should be a lifelong process for all of us. 

Even if you don’t have a particular industry or business that you are trying to learn more about, there is always something that you can/should be learning. Learning will just overflow your life with fulfillment and is always a way to ensure that you find success.

Learning something new will never, ever be a negative thing for your life. Learning is always a way to build you up as a person and to improve upon yourself. It is something that you need to be willing to dedicate time to, but it will always yield great results for you!

We care about our team members’ education in all senses of the word. We do care that we are all staying up to date with digital marketing (we would be foolish not to as this is our industry), but we also care that our team members learn and grow in other areas. We want them to become better people and to be more educated about a lot of things!

So how do we do that?

Lemonade Stand company book club - five members of the team hold the book Personality Isn't Permanent

The Lemonade Stand Book Club

We are constantly training each other and helping each other to learn new things. We have informal trainings all the time, and we also have more formal trainings that are specific to one idea. We believe that learning can happen at any time, though, so we try to never overlook an opportunity to teach or to learn together. 

Part of this is done through what we call “Lunch and Learn,” which is a weekly meeting with our entire company. We set aside about an hour or so each and every Friday to get some lunch together and then to have a training session on something. Usually this training will come from one of our own team members. We might have our social media team teach us the importance of the newest social media platform (such as Tik Tok), or our SEO team show us all how to perform good, solid keyword research. Even though we aren’t all going to be posting videos to Tik Tok or performing keyword research for our clients, it is important that we understand the various aspects of digital marketing. 

Those are a few ways that we encourage learning and growth for our team. 

The other really big one is our company book club

We have been reading books together for over a year now, and it has been an incredible experience. So far we have read the following books:

The Fred Factor


Ego is the Enemy

Tuesdays With Morrie

Personality Isn’t Permanent

They Ask, You Answer

The Go Giver


The Go-Giver book clubGiftologyEgo is the Enemy book club

Once we finish reading the book, we dedicate one of our Friday Lunch and Learns to it. We have a team member prepare a presentation on the book to open a discussion about all of the things that we can learn from it and what we should take from that particular book to improve ourselves. We discuss the principles and make sure that we were all able to learn something from our reading. 

Then, we have a Kahoot! Based on facts and concepts from the book that we read. This encourages our team to read the book, because there will be a competition based on the book, and we also throw in some pretty substantial cash prizes for the winners of the Kahoot! Everyone gets really excited about these Kahoots, and they help our team members want to read and learn. It’s a great way to get everyone involved in the learning process.

lemonade stand book club

How Can You Live This Core Value?

There are so many ways that you can live out this core value!

“Always Keep Learning” is intentionally vague, because it doesn’t always matter what you are learning about. The important part of this is to just continually be growing your mind and your character. 

Learn. Learn. Learn. 

It is certainly not required to have a book club in order to learn, but this has been a great way for us to all learn together. We would highly recommend that all companies institute a book club to encourage this amongst your own teams!

If your company does not have a book club, then I would most certainly recommend that you read on your own. There is a near-infinite amount of knowledge in this world, and we have access to just about all of it in our day. It is a massive missed opportunity if you aren’t constantly learning something new. Go out and find new things on your own!

Another great way to learn is to find people who you look up to and admire and try to emulate them. Learn from them. How can you become more like them? Study the things that they do and just copy them. I’ve learned a lot in my life from just observing other people and trying to do things the way that they would do them.

The last thing that I would say to always keep in mind is humility. It is really difficult to learn if you are full of pride. You will have a really hard time changing things about yourself if you already see yourself as perfect. Be open to the idea that there might be a better way of doing things than the way that you are currently doing them. Let people teach you and point out ways that you can improve. 

Being humble is key if you really want to learn. In fact, it’s such a big part of this that “Be Humble” is another of our core values. You can learn about that and read an awesome story about humility on our team right here!

If you need any help with your digital marketing needs, we hope that you can see just how dedicated we are to always learning and staying up to date on all things digital marketing. We do this for companies just like yours, so please reach out to our team! We’d love to help you!!

Lemonade Stand

Lemonade Stand helps businesses around the world grow by building high quality custom websites with transparent internet marketing services and measurable results.

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